Someday you, or someone you know will have their life ripped apart by grief.
*Nobody wants to talk about death or illness.
*Are you emotionally prepared to help others?
*What do you say and do to actually help them?
Someone on a grief journey is rarely understood, and often hurt by insensitive remarks. We are survivors, and we are strong, but we are struggling in our daily lives in ways no one else can understand. We will never “get over it” or "move on" when a special person, or pet, has died. We grieve because we love, and that does not stop at death.
Sandy's books also help with ways to start healing for those with loss, and give others empowerment in their own personal journey.
Her grief guidebook will help you help yourself and others.
Featured Products
PDF eBooks
These are the PDF versions of the grief support books Becoming Bigger Than Our Pain, and Destined to Grow Strong.
Printed Books
Printed versions of grief support books Becoming Bigger than Our Pain, and the children's support activity book.